Cartref House
Cartref House was the first of our homes to open back in 1997.
It continues to represent the original aims of the company to deliver progressive residential services for young adults with learning disabilities who may also present with challenging behaviours, mental health difficulties and other special needs but who aspire to more independent living.
This 6-bedded home provides high specification accommodation and a town-centre location that promotes service user inclusion in the full range of person centred daily living activities.
Cartref House focuses on transitional work – moving service users towards greater skill levels and competence in preparation for moves from residential care into more independent living.
Ulcomb House
Ulcomb House was the second of our homes to open and quickly added to the reputation developed by Cartref Homes for creating real change in the lives of its service users. The home provide targeted residential support for service users with learning disabilities who may also have mental health difficulties, on the Autistic Spectrum and other special needs but who seek the opportunity to live more independently.
With only 5 bedrooms and high levels of staff support Ulcomb House is able to deliver intensive skills teaching to service users with greater care and support needs.
Bridge House
Bridge house is home to 5 service users. Our aim is to support each individual to work towards their independent living goals, these are identified in their person-centered plans, which they develop with their key workers, each service user is also involved in any care plan reviews and meetings this ensures they are involved in all aspects of the care planning and are working towards the goals they wish to achieve.
We support a variety of different needs such as learning disabilities, Autism, mental health and those with a forensic background.
At Bridge we ensure that each service user has a varied weekly schedule and we support each service user to build upon their interests. We also have worked with the wider community to obtain voluntary work experience at settings such as Age UK and animal shelters.
Each service user completes their own weekly food shop, diary booking, cooking, house tasks and personal shops this promotes the service user’s autonomy. Each service user is encouraged to (where possible) book their own medical, optical and dental appointments.
We actively encourage service user to maintain regular contact with their family and support the service users to attend regular home visits.
We complete monthly service user meetings this is chaired by the service users where they discuss ideas, concerns, current world events and activity ideas.
The staff at Bridge house are encouraged to ensure they are providing support that meets the service user’s needs
Some quotes from the service users at Bridge:
‘I like living at bridge house, we do activities and I get on with both the staff and people I live with’
‘I like living at Bridge house because we have a laugh, I like cooking and baking my favorite is lemon cheesecake’